Friday, July 17, 2009

Weight Loss Special!

During the summer months, mention this deal and receive a free complimentary weight loss consultation visit with a complimentary session in our revolutionary Slimdome™. The Slimdome™ induces up to two to three times the sweat volume of a hot-air sauna while operating at a significantly cooler temperature range. A 40-minute stay can result in a reduction in body weight similar to the reduction induced by physical exercise burining up to 600 calories. Using harmless infrared energy, the Slimdome™ allows the body to burn calories at an accelerated rate and helps you reach a highly beneficial detoxifying “Marathon Sweat, burn fat, lose inches, and improve skin tone.

Facial Rejuvenation with Botox Cosmetic and Juvaderm!!!

Whether you're experiencing those annoying skin folds caused by increased facial laxity and sagging resulting from the age associated loss of facial collagen or an increase in the number fine lines and wrinkles such as frown lines or brow furrows also more prominent as we age, we can minimize these effects!! Many patients also note a decrease in the intensity or number of migraine headaches after treatment with Botox Cosmetic!

Botox Cosmetic can correct those wrinkles of facial expression and our dermal fillers can be also be utilized to correct and revolumize those deeper lines and folds.

If you are further annoyed by excessive underarm sweating which is not controlled by topical agents, Botox can help!

Contact us for a free consultation visit!